Andros Infinite

Mr. A-N-D

Spoken One
Holla At Us
Mr. A-N-D
Batlle Royale

The stuff the government does not want you to know about A-N-D Andros Infinite...

Andros Infinite was infuse with the Lyrical X gene from the DNA of The Showboat. He was then to sent a learning center with others unlike himself called "schools", he studied there learns all kind of things like math and language arts, everything going according to plan. On a the bus ride home from the elementary scholl he attened he heard a sound that got him into a trans like state and automatically started to ryhme. When his brother Showboat got wind of this he took the yound Andros Infinite and slowly created the lyrical beast called Mr. A-N-D. years have now past and it was time for a test of these ability Andros had possessed. Andros was now attended Middle School where he experience a deul with another like himself called a freestyle battle.Andros unleashed a wave of unstoppable disses.He was ready. He became uncontrollable to the point that the Showboat had to face his brother and defeat him in a battle.Show was victorious.Now Andros has now learn dicipline from his brother learning from him one step at a time...

This story is based on real people but in a fictional way for the sole purpose to entertain the reader.........In other words if you belive this you are a complete and utter DUMBASS!

Just playing around!